Help us stop the clearfelling and burning of the Tasmanian leatherwood forest.

No access to Leatherwood (Eucryphia sp.) trees means no honey production from beekeepers and reduced pollination in Tasmania

Tasmania’s prized Leatherwood honey,  stone fruits and vegetables, may just become a sad, beautiful memory.

The production of a unique, world renowned honey will be drastically reduced.

Is this your last opportunity to taste leatherwood honey?

Leatherwood honey is produced by bees from the fragrant blossoms of the leatherwood tree. As you read this, Tasmania’s 350-year old leatherwood trees are being clear-felled to produce throwaway products. Very few leatherwood trees will remain in the south and only in small, hard-to-access areas. The production of a unique, world-renowned pure honey may no longer be possible.

This chain reaction is happening right now

No leatherwood trees leads to :

  • no leatherwood honey
  • no beekeeping industry
  • diminished pollination of fruits and vegetables
  • reduction in agricultural production
  • a reduction of exports
  • The loss of Tasmania's 'clean green' image
  • a possible increase in GM crops.

Protect Leatherwood in Tasmania

Leatherwood is the only RELIABLE flowering resource in Tasmania.


Leatherwood is only useful to bees if it is within 3km of a road that will support truck access so that beekeepers can bring in hives and take out the heavy honey boxes. Most of the leatherwood in reserves cannot be accessed in this way.